
A Merry, Merry Christmas

A Merry, Merry Christmas

The painters celebrated Christmas in its most intimate and touching form in ‘Nativities’, in its most naive and amazing form in ‘Adorations of the Shepherds’ or finally in its most intellectual and most sophisticated form in ‘Adoration of the Magi’.

The representation of Christmas at Villa Cosmiana is an Italian ‘Adoration of the Magi’ painted in the first part of the XVIth century by a yet to be identified artist of the Mannerist school. Painted on an elegant marble slab in warm, golden tones, it places the elegantly dressed Virgin Mary on a step between two columns a short distance from the Nativity stable. The Magi, richly draped in silks and furs, meditatively present gifts to the infant Jesus, who, is as royal as he is divine. The scene loses a little in emotion what it gains in richness of decor, but it retains all the magic of Christmas.

Whether intimate or essential, delight in front of your children or simple exchange of gifts between friends, Villa Cosmiana wishes you all a merry Christmas!
